Gutters: the Good, the Bad, the Leaky

Your gutters aren’t something you think about too often. They’re somewhat out of sight out of mind, but improper gutter care can lead to leaks, mold, floods, and ultimately foundation damage. The good news? Gutter care is relatively simple! If you stay on top of it, your gutters won’t need much thought at all! Here are some tips on keeping your gutters functioning properly to protect your home!


Keep them free of leaves and other debris. Especially during fall when all the leaves are falling off the trees, they build up in the gutters and cause improper draining. This means the rain and snow gets out over the gutters and floods the ground around it. Cleaning your gutters is simple, but could be a little time consuming.

  1. Get a sturdy ladder. You’ll have to go up and down a lot, so make sure your ladder is approved for your weight and that it won’t get knocked down with you up there!
  2. Lay a tarp down to make cleanup easier and to protect your landscaping.
  3. Skip the gutter scoop and use your hands, but we’d recommend some good waterproof gloves! Just grab the debris out and toss it to your tarp! Do as far as you can reach, then back down the ladder, move it over, and repeat until everything is cleaned out! (hey, we never said it wouldn’t be a workout!) Never try to move the ladder while you’re still on it!
  4. After all of the debris is cleared out, use your hose to flush any small pieces out and to check for leaks.
  5. Have a spotter watching you while you’re working. Accidents can happen quickly, any time you’re on a ladder you should have another adult watching you and holding the ladder to avoid any falls. Never try to do it when you’re home alone.
  6. When all else fails, hire a professional! Gutters are easy to do yourself, but save yourself the time and energy by hiring a professional to do it for you!

Replace any sections that are damaged. Bends, cracks, and gaps can cause water to leak which can damage your siding and foundation. Some minor repairs are easy to do yourself, but some may need a professional. Doing research online is the best way to determine if you can do it yourself! If you’re still unsure, request a free onsite consultation and a free quote on any gutter repairs!

Prepare your gutters for winter! Wisconsin winters are rough on… well everything, but especially your gutters. If they aren’t draining properly, ice can build up and cause them to not only leak but also as the ice expands it can cause more serious damages to your gutters. It can also cause large icicles to form which can lead to serious injuries. Make sure your gutters are cleaned out and repaired prior to any snowfall to avoid ice.